Self Managed Super Funds
A Self Managed Super Fund is a private Superannuation Fund that you manage yourself but is still regulated by the ATO. It is a form of trust with a sole purpose to provide an income upon retirement for its members. A SMSF has its own Tax File Number (TFN) and Australian Business Number (ABN), and is required to have its own bank account.
An SMSF is another way of saving for your retirement. Through a self-managed super fund, you can invest in the usual investments such as shares, term deposits, managed funds and property, but you can also hold alternative assets such as antiques and artwork.
SMSF's have very strict rules to comply with, as such many brokers are unwilling to touch them. We have extensive knowledge in this area and have sourced finance for many clients through their SMSF.
If you want some more info on SMSF's have a look at the ATO's website here.